We offer Free Shipping worldwide for majority of orders. We use three shipping methods where available, they are Flat Rate Shipping, Standard Shipping and Expedited Shipping. For a detailed explanation about each shipping method, destinations and approximate delivery times, please see:
We can deliver orders to most countries in the world. Goods are sent from our warehouse by courier, and delivered direct to your door (home or company address). Please check Shipping Guide to get more details.
First, check the details in the product description again on Global E Trends to make sure it is supposed to have what you think it should.
If you’re really missing something, please contact us, and here’s how we’ll handle it:
- Give us your order number and the product code.
- If the missing part is hard to describe, please provide a photo and reference a similar product photo on Global E Trends
- If we confirm something is missing, we’ll send it out to you free of charge.